Federation of St Bede's and St Bernadette Catholic Schools

Community Links

At the Federation of St Bede's and St Bernadette  we try to harvest and foster  strong links with those in our school community.  Below you will find links to those some of those institutions and departments that we are close to or work alongside.

St Bede's Catholic Church



St Bede’s Catholic Church is located on Thornton Rd, Clapham Park, London, SW12 0LF The Church was built in 1906 and is now home to a multi-lingual community of about 50 national origins. The parish is unique in that it has three distinct liturgical communities: English language, Latin traditional Roman Rite and Latin American in Spanish. 

Fr.Marcus Holden is the Parish Priest who is supported by Fr Paul Kyne & Fr Romany.They support both schools through the celebration of Mass and Liturgical Services. They play an active role within both school communities, enriching the curriculum and attending events. Fr Marcus is also a member of our Governing Body.

Archdiocese of Southwark

The Archdiocese of Southwark is part of the universal Catholic Church in communion with our Holy Father Pope Francis. It is geographically located within the London boroughs south of the River Thames, the county of Kent and the Medway Unitary Authority. Consisting of approximately 85,000 parishioners, 175 parishes and 169 schools, the Archdiocese is a vibrant and diverse community of Catholics centred around Christ, seeking to grow in faith, live in hope, and change the world in which we live through love.

Lambeth Catholic Schools Partnership


Lambeth Catholic Schools Partnership (LCSP) comprises all nine Catholic primary and secondary schools in Lambeth. The schools work together in a number of ways with a focus on developing a community of Catholic learners, both adults and children.  Some of the ways in which we work together include:

  • Forums for Headteachers, Deputy/Assistant Headteachers SENDCos, Early Years, Maths and English leaders;
  • Joint projects for the Year of Faith;
  • Shared experiences for pupils, for example sports and music events, pupil retreats and conferences, joint projects for more able pupils;
  • School to school support for staff, including mentoring and shared professional development.

Lambeth Education Department

The Lambeth Schools Partnership (LSP) strengthens Local Authority, schools and other educational settings partnership work to accelerate school improvement across the borough. It provides professional support and challenge to all educational institutions in Lambeth and coordinates, signposts and brokers a range of providers offering training, traded services and advice.

Teach Lambeth


Teach Lambeth is run by the Lambeth Schools Partnership with the support of all the schools in the borough and the local education authority.

Lambeth education jobs are listed on the site and applications can be made directly through the sites job board. The job board lists education jobs in Lambeth and is updated on a regular basis to ensure an accurate list of vacancies. Every Lambeth school has a profile on the jobs board which allows individuals to see information about your school without having to leave the Teach Lambeth website.